
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material
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Friday, 17 April 2015

Select committee DWP recommendations

 Benefit sanctions policy beyond the Oakley Review

The two specific areas that Sanctions normally relate to are JSA  ( Job Seekers Allowance ) and ESA (Employment Support Allowance) Though Universal Credit may also feature as time evolves
Lower Level Sanctions
sanctions select committee
Higher Level Sanctions

Categories of JSA “sanction”
The Select Committee". We recommend that DWP make a clear distinction—in its processes, its communications with claimants, and in the official data—between claimants who are not meeting the underlying conditions of entitlement, in particular those who are genuinely “not actively seeking employment” and may therefore be abusing the system, and those who have not fully complied with the precise terms of a Claimant Commitment. At the moment, both receive the same penalty.  We recommend that the Government confirm the steps it has taken to ensure that suspensions of JSA payments where the JCP Work Coach believes that the claimant has not been “actively seeking employment” do not occur before good reason can be considered, and a decision made, by a Decision Maker detached from the employment support process. DWP should set out the steps it has taken to address this issue, to provide assurance that the newly instituted procedure of making decisions in these circumstances within two days of referral is sufficiently robust to ensure that the decision has in fact been made, and the claimant notified, before the JSA payment is suspended. We also believe that notification should be by either written or telephone communication, depending on the claimant’s preferences as previously expressed to JCP staff when signing the Claimant Commitment, or subsequent to this. Review of the legislative framework for sanctioning Given the complexity of the existing legislation, there is a strong case for a review of the underpinning legislative framework for conditionality and sanctions, to ensure that the basis for sanctioning is clearly defined, and safeguards to protect vulnerable groups clearly set out. We recommend that the clarity and coherence of the legislative framework for benefit sanctions policy be included in the terms of reference of the full independent review which we have recommended.
Use of Jobseeker Directions
We note the concern expressed by some witnesses that use of Jobseeker Directions has increased in some JCP offices in recent years. While we appreciate that there may be circumstances in which it might be appropriate for JCP staff to mandate a JSA claimant to undertake a very specific type of work-related activity, such as particular skills training, it is not immediately clear why such activities could not invariably be included in Claimant commitments. Intuitively we would expect there to be minimal, if any, use made of Jobseeker Directions, as the Claimant  Commitment becomes more firmly established. We recommend that DWP’s evaluation of the Claimant Commitment include an assessment of the appropriate use of Jobseeker Directions and their interaction with the Claimant Commitment process.
  ESA sanctioning
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a relatively new benefit; it was introduced in 2008 as a replacement for incapacity benefits (IB), for unemployed people with long-term health conditions and disabilities. ESA claimants considered to have “limited capability for work”, but with the capability to undertake “work-related activity” and considered to have a reasonable prospect of being able to work in the future, can be placed in the ESA Work-related Activity Group (ESA WRAG). These claimants are subject to a more limited range of conditionality than JSA claimants—attendance at mandatory  work-focused interviews at JCP and/or mandatory participation in the Work Programme

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Unemployment-Jan 2015 stats

Unemployment 20150 rather the last of last years stats. There are however very clear aspects that sanctions targets as well as the unemployment figures
There are many that have struggled and searched and have been sanctioned
however there are those that  inspire

Key Points for September to November 2014

  • Comparing the estimates for September to November 2014 with those for June to August 2014, employment continued to rise and unemployment continued to fall. These changes maintain the general direction of movement since late 2011/early 2012.
  • There were 30.80 million people in work. This was 37,000 more than for June to August 2014, the smallest quarterly increase since March to May 2013. Comparing September to November 2014 with a year earlier, there were 512,000 more people in work.
  • The proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 in work (the employment rate), was 73.0%, unchanged from June to August 2014 but higher than for a year earlier (72.0%).

  • There were 1.91 million unemployed people. This was 58,000 fewer than for June to August 2014, the smallest quarterly fall since July to September 2013. Comparing September to November 2014 with a year earlier, there were 418,000 fewer unemployed people.

  • The unemployment rate was 5.8%, lower than for June to August 2014 (6.0%) and lower than for a year earlier (7.1%). The unemployment rate is the proportion of the economically active population (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) who were unemployed.
  • There were 9.09 million people aged from 16 to 64 who were out of work and not seeking or available to work (known as economically inactive). This was 66,000 more than for June to August 2014 and 41,000 more than for a year earlier.
  • The proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 who were economically inactive (the inactivity rate) was 22.4%, slightly higher than for June to August 2014 (22.2%) and for a year earlier (22.3%).
  • Comparing September to November 2014 with a year earlier, pay for employees in Great Britain increased by 1.7% including bonuses and by 1.8% excluding bonuses.

Overview of regional labour market published 21 January 2015

The employment rate estimates, for those aged 16 to 64, for the three months to November 2014, compared to the three months to August 2014, showed very few large movements for the regions and countries of the UK.
The largest increases in the employment rate estimates were for the West Midlands, at 1.0 percentage point and the North East, at 0.7 percentage points. For both regions, the employment rate estimate for three months ago was low, compared with other recent estimates, with the general pattern much flatter than suggested by the latest estimates.
The largest decrease in the employment rate estimate was for London, at 0.6 percentage points. This followed an employment rate estimate for three months ago that was unusually high, compared with other recent estimates, again with a relatively flat pattern suggested by recent estimates.
For most regions, the general picture has been for employment rates to be increasing or close to flat, with all but one region having employment rates higher than a year ago. The exception is Wales, which has been falling from record highs since late 2013, with the latest estimate 2.2 percentage points lower than a year ago.
Employment rates remain higher in the East of England and South East, both at 76.6% and South West, at 76.3%, than the rest of the UK.
The employment levels for the North East, East Midlands and Scotland, are all at record highs, with many other regions close to record highs. Despite this, the rates are below previous records, due to increasing population levels.
Regional estimates for the unemployment rate are quite volatile, which needs to be allowed for when considering the pattern of change over time.
The largest increase in the unemployment rate estimates for the three months to November 2014, compared to the three months to August 2014, was for Wales, at 0.6 percentage points.
The largest decreases in the unemployment rate estimates for the three months to November 2014, compared to the three months to August 2014, were for the West Midlands, at 1.2 percentage points and North East, at 0.7 percentage points. These decreases are consistent with the increases in the employment rates in these regions, partially due to estimates for three months ago that were high, compared with other recent estimates. The general pattern has been for a much slower rate of decrease.
All regions are showing decreases in the unemployment rate, compared with a year ago.
The unemployment rate for the North East remains the highest in the UK, at 8.5%, followed by Wales, at 7.0% and Yorkshire and The Humber, at 6.8%.
The Unemployment Stats produced today The Claimant Count for December 2014 compared with November 2014, is showing decreases in the count for both men and women across all regions of the UK.

 Employment by nationality and country of birth, changes between July to September 2013 and July to September 2014, not seasonally adjusted

Chart 3.1: Employment by nationality and country of birth, changes between July to September 2013 and July to September 2014, not seasonally adjusted
Employment by National Birth
makes interesting reading and viewing

 Changes in the number of people in the labour market,

 seasonally adjusted

Chart A: Changes in the number of people in the labour market, seasonally adjusted
Probably the starkest stat from the 
graph ius the Unemployment ( aged 18+ )that has the minus stat

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

December unemployment and vacancies stats

December Unemployment Stats were published along with the highlights

Today we also point out that the figures published on vacancies per industry. This as a rule is not published and promoted. However there is value in observing this information to give a clear where the potential value for future skills and opportunities
  • Comparing the estimates for August to October 2014 with those for May to July 2014, employment continued to rise and unemployment continued to fall. These changes maintain the general direction of movement since late 2011/early 2012.
  • There were 30.80 million people in work. This was 115,000 more than for May to July 2014 and 588,000 more than for a year earlier.
  • The proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 in work (the employment rate), was 73.0%, higher than for May to July 2014 (72.8%) and higher than for a year earlier (71.8%).
  • There were 22.54 million people working full-time, 560,000 more than for a year earlier. There were 8.25 million people working part-time, 28,000 more than for a year earlier.
  • There were 1.96 million unemployed people. This was 63,000 fewer than for May to July 2014, the smallest quarterly fall since July to September 2013. Comparing August to October 2014 with a year earlier, there were 455,000 fewer unemployed people.
  • The unemployment rate was 6.0%, lower than for May to July 2014 (6.2%) and lower than for a year earlier (7.4%). The unemployment rate is the proportion of the economically active population (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) who were unemployed.
  • There were 9.06 million people aged from 16 to 64 who were out of work and not seeking or available to work (known as economically inactive). This was little changed compared with May to July 2014 and with a year earlier.
  • The inactivity rate was 22.3%, unchanged from May to July 2014 and from a year earlier.
  • Comparing August to October 2014 with a year earlier, pay for employees in Great Britain increased by 1.4% including bonuses and by 1.6% excluding bonuses.

This months figures can be seen here on the ONS stats

Vacancies against the number of Unemployed are featured here
note that there were 3.8 at the beginning of the year and this has gone down 2.8 
This is significant
This indicates that there has been a potential reduction in competition for each vacancy
But for Recruiters and Career advisers the industrial vacancies information also provides key data in terms of demand. If you are looking for a job the potential demand gives us clear ideas about where the growth may be found

Additional statistics were also recently publised indicating the vacancies per industry. More information is available with history relating to those industries
VACS02: Vacancies by industry. VACS02: Vacancies by industry. (142 Kb Excel sheet) This table shows vacancies by industry according to Standard Industrial

A guide to Earnings