
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material
Showing posts with label vacancies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacancies. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Review-Top 10 Recruitment web sites and features Introduction

Review-Top 10 Recruitment web sites and features Introduction

Support Business-Recruitment web site I wanted to Review-Top 10 Recruitment web sites and features to look at what they had to offer. Recruitment web sites are a key part of the recruitment process as featured in the last article They are the first place where many people will post their CV and send their letters of application. They filter the applications for the employers and provide many other facilities for Employers

What do they offer you?-Review-Top 10 Recruitment web sites and features

John Fairest AIEP
John Fairest AIEP
  As you can see I have measured this review on certain key criteria
  • Vacancy Count including Category or region
  • CV Building & Support
  • Training courses
  • layout
  • Additional information
  • Social Media

Why these Categories in Regards to Recruitment web sites?


is a clear indication as to whether the web site is going to be the best from your viewpoint If you are looking for a vacancy in your sector you want the web site to have a number of vacancies in your sector of future employment and ideally in your area of the country.

CV Building-

The CV is the information that the Computer will see first of all. Ideally you want to find a good web site that has a CV Builder that you understand and that you can create the CV that will pass the computer filter and that the Employer will choose to view.


The Recruitment site that has interesting training advice and guidance may make you reflect on where you should go from here and where you might consider developing your skills base.


We each have our own individual layout tastes and opinions. In my view I like to be able to easily find my way around. If I cannot, i like a video to explain to me what I can find if I look.

Additional Information-

Are you a mature Job seeker, wandering when to call it a day, dont understand the New Recruitment methods. Well I look at the fact that the last few sites featured on the video look at a number of these factors. Is there a different CV for the younger Job seeker to the more mature Job seeker?


The video lasts 18 mins  but covers briefly a number of sites all of which i have selected as being Generic .I hope it provides you with a chance to look at whats on offer.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

DWP-Christmas- & Stats for Year


Department of Work and Pensions

DWP Payment dates over Christmas New Year

Payment dates at Christmas and the new year from DWP the Department of Work and Pensions. This takes into consideration the Banks holidays of Christmas and New Year.
Payment due date When you’ll be paid
24, 25, 26 December 2014 24 December
1 January 2015 31 December 2014
2 January 2015 (England and Wales) 2 January 2015
The Department of Work and Pensions ( DWP) have produced a number of statistics over the last year.

claimant count

The ONS videos

Their results on Unemployment figures can be see on a monthly basis when the ONS produces their stats.

The ONS figures come out middle of the month. Here are a sample of the videos from the year.
We have produced videos on this and feedback throughout this year

The Real DWP results

jsa sanctionsBut as I have often said this has not been the entire story as they do not take into consideration the figures for Universal Credit and ESA etc. [caption id="attachment_1331" align="alignleft"
 Indeed the figures for Sanctions also make interesting viewing throughout the year as featured here. The Appeals as you see in the presentation add to an interesting story. These figures are available as are the success rates of the Appeals

Vacancies and Unemployment

vacancies and unemployment U.K

Vacancies and Unemployment in the U.K

The vacancies throughout the year have changed. As I pointed out in a previous post the ratio has gone from 3.8 to 2.8 This makes the bargaining power of the potential employee look bettter. However is that a reality for the Job seeker. Ask most job -seekers looking for vacancies under £20.000 and they would probably say no.

Vacancies in Industries

vacancies by industryA short while back i did some research into the stats.  Vacancies by industry[/caption] I have a few pages for employers on further information in this area but the figures would also indicate which sectors of the economy have grown and which are struggling. The image seen here shown many of the sectors that are featured on the Stats. But this sort of information is not as well published as the ONS monthly Stats.

John Fairest  John Fairest author
I wonder why?

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Over 50 Unemployed

  • source
  • A quarter of women and one in six men who reach state pension age have not worked since they were 55
  • Almost half (47%) of all unemployed people between 50 and 64 have been out of work for a year or more, compared with 33% for those aged 18-24
  • There are "positive effects" on younger staff when more people aged 55-64 are employed, research has suggested
  • Those aged 50-64 have an average job tenure of 13 years, compared with seven years for those aged 25-49
Source: Department for Work and Pensions
Frightening statistics but many who find themselves out of work at this stage of their lives find it harder to re enter the labour market. Particularly if they are in lower skilled jobs as they will find that the youth may be fitter than them,have more energy or other aspects of their lives that don't fit into some business cultures.

Part 1 During the recent recession the focus has been on Youth unemployment. But the Job Centre has an issue with this group of Job seekers.
There is the anticiption that the over 50 will not have the I.T training but often this group have the skills
The other issue is that they will rely on savings to survive. followed by part 2

The Princes initiative for the over 50's has highlighted the issue on Prime
Their web site goes on to say
"Helping older people back into the labour market could also lead to a potential £88 billion boost to the UK GDP. Most importantly securing employment for older people will transform their lives and offer them the opportunity of a brighter, more secure future."

"Unemployed over-50s will be offered "career reviews" and help using computers as part of plans to get more people in that age group into work.
The trial will also include seven "older worker champions" across the UK.
An estimated 1.2 million over-50s are unemployed and "willing to work" - and ministers said if they all found jobs it would "add £50bn to the economy".
Employment Minister Esther McVey told the BBC it was "wrong" so many skilled people were "locked out" of work.
Long-term unemployment in the wider population fell 16% in the past year - but joblessness among the over 50s fell by 3.5%.
'Challenge stereotypes'
The trial, to be launched in April, will include training in CV and interview skills, the internet and social media, as well as "career reviews" with an expert to identify skills from previous work and any training needs.
"Champions" will be appointed in seven areas of the UK, at a cost to the government of £250,000. These Job Centre staff will focus on "going out to smaller and medium-sized businesses to ensure they recognise the benefits of hiring older workers".
Ms McVey said it was about "challenging outdated stereotypes".
"The plight of unemployed older workers has gone under the radar for too long. There's something fundamentally wrong with so many skilled and experienced people finding themselves locked out of the workplace simply because of their age," she told BBC Radio 5 live.
She pointed to "record numbers" of people getting into work since 2010, adding that in the past year more than 250,000 people over 50 had found jobs.
Ms McVey said it was not a question of older workers taking the place of younger employees.
"More jobs are being created in the UK than anywhere else in Europe... We've just got to make sure that everybody is a part of that growth."


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

December unemployment and vacancies stats

December Unemployment Stats were published along with the highlights

Today we also point out that the figures published on vacancies per industry. This as a rule is not published and promoted. However there is value in observing this information to give a clear where the potential value for future skills and opportunities
  • Comparing the estimates for August to October 2014 with those for May to July 2014, employment continued to rise and unemployment continued to fall. These changes maintain the general direction of movement since late 2011/early 2012.
  • There were 30.80 million people in work. This was 115,000 more than for May to July 2014 and 588,000 more than for a year earlier.
  • The proportion of people aged from 16 to 64 in work (the employment rate), was 73.0%, higher than for May to July 2014 (72.8%) and higher than for a year earlier (71.8%).
  • There were 22.54 million people working full-time, 560,000 more than for a year earlier. There were 8.25 million people working part-time, 28,000 more than for a year earlier.
  • There were 1.96 million unemployed people. This was 63,000 fewer than for May to July 2014, the smallest quarterly fall since July to September 2013. Comparing August to October 2014 with a year earlier, there were 455,000 fewer unemployed people.
  • The unemployment rate was 6.0%, lower than for May to July 2014 (6.2%) and lower than for a year earlier (7.4%). The unemployment rate is the proportion of the economically active population (those in work plus those seeking and available to work) who were unemployed.
  • There were 9.06 million people aged from 16 to 64 who were out of work and not seeking or available to work (known as economically inactive). This was little changed compared with May to July 2014 and with a year earlier.
  • The inactivity rate was 22.3%, unchanged from May to July 2014 and from a year earlier.
  • Comparing August to October 2014 with a year earlier, pay for employees in Great Britain increased by 1.4% including bonuses and by 1.6% excluding bonuses.

This months figures can be seen here on the ONS stats

Vacancies against the number of Unemployed are featured here
note that there were 3.8 at the beginning of the year and this has gone down 2.8 
This is significant
This indicates that there has been a potential reduction in competition for each vacancy
But for Recruiters and Career advisers the industrial vacancies information also provides key data in terms of demand. If you are looking for a job the potential demand gives us clear ideas about where the growth may be found

Additional statistics were also recently publised indicating the vacancies per industry. More information is available with history relating to those industries
VACS02: Vacancies by industry. VACS02: Vacancies by industry. (142 Kb Excel sheet) This table shows vacancies by industry according to Standard Industrial

A guide to Earnings