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Sunday, 18 January 2015

Unemployment-job seeker allowance-jsa -sanction

Unemployment Job seeker Sanction

job seeker jsa sanction letter
In the U,K a person who leaves a job voluntarily can be sanction or have their money stopped for a period of 3 months. The sanction is in respect of behavior.
The claimant has to make contact with an office in the Midlands. Whilst the letter seen here was in respect to the termination of a job in November it takes until the 13/1 for the letter to be sent.

The letter seen here is in respect of a sub contracted job. The job seeker had worked for a cleaning company, that had a contract with a major chain.
The manager of the major chain had sacked the Job seeker, however the Job seeker had had work with other companies and is expecting work in the future
The form is sent out with a sae ( stamp addressed envelope for the claimant to complete and return

DWP JSA Sanction Process

There is no form of secure online appeals procedure provided by DWP. Neither is there any support provided in processing the evidence to appeal any decision made by DWP.
Whilst the letter may be distributed by a local Job centre the job seeker is given 1 week to appeal the letter.
The form requires reading completion and returning within the week.
There is space for written submition. For many this may be a challenge. 


Can local CAB ( Citizens Advice Bureau handle the volume of Appeals that they may be required to support. The chances are that skills are likely to be in demand.
Each appeal would have to reflect any basis that a decision maker my have to make based on DWP guidelines. CAB and other providers have access to CPAG and Rightnet which may assist but there is little online about the Appeals procedure for this. You only have to look at Youtube to see the  need for video's on this and related subjects.


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