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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Inspiration and motivational stories from famous Job seekers

Most Jobseekers find themselves discouraged and in need of motivation.
The Stories you find below I hope will encourage and #motivate you.
Why not share this with someone you know what is searching and having a hard time of it.
The article was featured on The Guardian

To the million jobseekers out there, I'm imagining you're on your sofa, lying on your face, lifting your head for the occasional perusal of a still-empty inbox – an understandable reaction to the crushing despair of unemployment.
It doesn't help to see dismal employment figures, commentary on why the younger generation is doomed, and absolutely nothing to make you feel better about it.
So I'd like to attempt a short-term remedy, a mixture of inspiration and schadenfreude – five down-and-out jobseekers who clawed their way to the top.

5. Ricky Gervais

Gervais was a failed pop star and an unsuccessful manager long before he was a super successful writer, director and actor. At university he couldn't afford two types of soap – he had to choose between washing his clothes or himself (in the end he did both; Daz, he informs us, is "quite a good exfoliate").
In his 30s he landed a job at the radio station XFM, where he realised he didn't understand radio and hired Stephen Merchant to "do all the boring stuff". In 1998, they were both made redundant.
Luckily, Merchant cast Gervais in a short film about a "seedy boss" for a BBC production course, which we now know as The Office. It became the most successful British sitcom ever.

4. Jim Carrey

The Canadian funnyman was a high school dropout, working as a janitor and security guard to help pay the family bills. They lost their home and were forced to live in a van. He then moved to LA to struggle on the stand-up comedy scene before going into the out-of-work-actor business.
While, yes, it sucks to get rejected with the robotic line, "Due to the high volume of applications…", at least most of us don't have to spend weeks watching the guy who got the job beam at you from the side of a hundred buses. Before Carrey got his big break on the TV sketch comedy show In Living Color, he was rejected from leading roles in Saturday Night Live, Sixteen Candles, Bachelor Party, Legend,Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Back to School and Edward Scissorhands.
But it was worth the wait. Now, aged 52, he's estimated to be worth $20mn.

3. Walt Disney

The man behind children's stories had a rough time on his way to billionaire status. When he dropped out of high school at 16 to enlist in the army during the first world war, he was rejected for being too young. At 18, he started drawing political caricatures, but they didn't catch on and he was fired by his editor because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas".
Disney started a business with a cartoonist, and it failed, as did his second business. In fact, he went bankrupt five times before he found success with Disneyland, which was also rejected by the city of Anaheim, Orange County, because it would "only attract riffraff". At one point Disney was so skint he survived on dog food.
He also faced a lot of ridicule. His project of turning Snow White into a feature-length animation, was called "Disney's folly". He even ran out of funding during production, and had to show loan officers a rough cut to secure enough cash to finish it.
His pitch for the much-loved character of Mickey Mouse was rejected too – he was told it would never work because a giant mouse on the screen would "terrify women". Despite enduring rejection and ridicule, between 1932 and 1969 Disney won 22 Academy Awards and was nominated 59 times – more than anyone else in history.

2. JK Rowling

Rowling wrote the first Harry Potter novel at rock bottom: "I was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern Britain, without being homeless." She survived on benefits, sometimes going without dinner so she could feed her children.
The first manuscript was rejected by 12 publishers. The 13th publisher accepted it at the behest of the only person it seems had actually bothered to read it – the chief executive's eight-year-old daughter.
The books did rather well, and Rowling was the first female novelist to become a billionaire – although now, after a spate of charitable giving, she's back to being a humble millionaire.

1. Abraham Lincoln

In his book, Emotional Equations, Chip Conley notes how Abraham Lincoln had a rough time too, almost drowning, losing his mother when aged nine, his fiancĂ©e and sister when he was 26 – not to mention getting malaria, syphilis, smallpox, and kicked in the head by a horse.
Lincoln failed in business aged 21. Two years later he ran for state legislature, lost his job and was rejected from law school. He bounced back and started a business on borrowed money, but was bankrupt within a year.
At 28, he was defeated as a speaker of the state legislature. He ran for the US House of Representatives and lost at age 33. He tried again at age 39, and lost. Not to worry – at age 45 he ran for the US Senate and lost again. He also lost when he ran for his party's vice presidential nomination at age 47. And again at the US Senate at age 49. But at the age of 51, he became the president of the US.

So, how's your job hunt going?

It may seem like these superhumans, these titans in their field, these "absolute legends" are nothing like the young people of today, who seem to be educated to the eyeballs but lack opportunities. But if we can learn anything from their stories, it's not that success comes from sending as many CVs and cover letters as you can in a day. It's identify what you love, then bang away at it like a relentless idiot until something brilliant happens.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Select committee DWP recommendations

 Benefit sanctions policy beyond the Oakley Review

The two specific areas that Sanctions normally relate to are JSA  ( Job Seekers Allowance ) and ESA (Employment Support Allowance) Though Universal Credit may also feature as time evolves
Lower Level Sanctions
sanctions select committee
Higher Level Sanctions

Categories of JSA “sanction”
The Select Committee". We recommend that DWP make a clear distinction—in its processes, its communications with claimants, and in the official data—between claimants who are not meeting the underlying conditions of entitlement, in particular those who are genuinely “not actively seeking employment” and may therefore be abusing the system, and those who have not fully complied with the precise terms of a Claimant Commitment. At the moment, both receive the same penalty.  We recommend that the Government confirm the steps it has taken to ensure that suspensions of JSA payments where the JCP Work Coach believes that the claimant has not been “actively seeking employment” do not occur before good reason can be considered, and a decision made, by a Decision Maker detached from the employment support process. DWP should set out the steps it has taken to address this issue, to provide assurance that the newly instituted procedure of making decisions in these circumstances within two days of referral is sufficiently robust to ensure that the decision has in fact been made, and the claimant notified, before the JSA payment is suspended. We also believe that notification should be by either written or telephone communication, depending on the claimant’s preferences as previously expressed to JCP staff when signing the Claimant Commitment, or subsequent to this. Review of the legislative framework for sanctioning Given the complexity of the existing legislation, there is a strong case for a review of the underpinning legislative framework for conditionality and sanctions, to ensure that the basis for sanctioning is clearly defined, and safeguards to protect vulnerable groups clearly set out. We recommend that the clarity and coherence of the legislative framework for benefit sanctions policy be included in the terms of reference of the full independent review which we have recommended.
Use of Jobseeker Directions
We note the concern expressed by some witnesses that use of Jobseeker Directions has increased in some JCP offices in recent years. While we appreciate that there may be circumstances in which it might be appropriate for JCP staff to mandate a JSA claimant to undertake a very specific type of work-related activity, such as particular skills training, it is not immediately clear why such activities could not invariably be included in Claimant commitments. Intuitively we would expect there to be minimal, if any, use made of Jobseeker Directions, as the Claimant  Commitment becomes more firmly established. We recommend that DWP’s evaluation of the Claimant Commitment include an assessment of the appropriate use of Jobseeker Directions and their interaction with the Claimant Commitment process.
  ESA sanctioning
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a relatively new benefit; it was introduced in 2008 as a replacement for incapacity benefits (IB), for unemployed people with long-term health conditions and disabilities. ESA claimants considered to have “limited capability for work”, but with the capability to undertake “work-related activity” and considered to have a reasonable prospect of being able to work in the future, can be placed in the ESA Work-related Activity Group (ESA WRAG). These claimants are subject to a more limited range of conditionality than JSA claimants—attendance at mandatory  work-focused interviews at JCP and/or mandatory participation in the Work Programme

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Unemployment Kensington North South divide

U.K diversity- 2 Kensington's

The Guardian has recorded this rather interesting study of 2 kensington's
Yes there is more than 1 Kensington. Most of us are aware of the traditional Kensington in London. Yet as you look at the frame you see in the picture here you cannot picture where this could be in Kensington, London

Kensington Liverpool is the complete opposite of the U.K spectrum in terms of Income and wealth.
The Students rooms from £60 we see advertised in the Liverpool Kensington are unlikely to be visible in London.
The observation that Liverpool's local Jobcentre looked like a prison with it's barbed wire made me reflect on the view that many job seekers have. The Jobcentre isn't where people look for support but more as a test of endurance.With an average 30% of the Liverpool's area of Kensington being on out of work benefits The fact that there wasn't a Job centre anywhere the London Kensington spoke volumes. The unemployment rate in London's Kensington was 2.9%

There is a difference of £44.000 in the average salary between the two areas.
Child poverty rates stand out even more with the number of children in poverty in London being less than 5% and yet the Northern % is 45.8%

The ownership of the London Kensington is changing though as the Property ownership of the capital continues to change.

The community spirit  appears to be strong within Liverpool. Community resources and need become a key feature. Liverpool and it's weaker economy become clearer with it's expectancy from the politicians. Can they save the community resource of Sure Start?

Both areas do have a common theme. Multi -culturalism is a common theme indicated by the film.
This is a common aspect of Britain today.

As the presenter says Austerity and equality become a cliche. Austerity has become an issue for those on the lowest incomes. The lack of opportunity and funding is relevant to the North.

The Southern issue could be the Mansion Tax concept with people considering moving out of their properties to avoid larger bills. The rise in property values is a concern to those that have lived in the area for a lengthy time.
As we approach the Election what changes will occur in Kensington

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Ladywood- Worst affected area for unemployment


Ladywood has previously been highlighted in 2011 as an area of unemployment.
This picture highlights the stats
The video that you see highlights the historical issue between 2005 -2012

Birmingham stood out as the four top regions worst affected.
In this article I look at other stats connected to Ladywood in terms of local population including skill base, education and employment

Ladywood stats 
Watch the video and watch the figures change to get a clear picture of the area

Do claimants really want work . Well it's worth looking at the figures

Ladywood labour supply stats for 2011

Here you can see the supply of labour in comparison to regional and Nationally

Labour supply in 2011

How does the labour stats look in terms of occupation. Look at the % in relation the the National %'s

What about the stats today

Compare this to your area on the NEET category. We have reviewed the figures over a period of time
Birmingham has seen changes and you can see an overview of the stats for the area.
Sadly the worst affected area is no longer featured on this
Sanctions figures area featured here for Birmingham

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Training courses in U.K

DWP Training Provision

DWP for many years has sent Job seekers on training courses to boost their C.V's  but also to create employability options

The more common training courses have included
  • Basic Food Hygiene Course
  • Manual Handling
  • First Aid
Many have been encouraged to check out Safeguarding and other related training courses. Often this was purely to put something on a CV
This used to take some planning to get these qualifications. Often they were not accessible.
However, the provider's market has changed. 


I was contacted by David Stephenson this week. He is a Director at the Digital College
His company produce many of the key courses that DWP required recently and allow for the claimant to undertake the training through the internet. No longer is there a requirement to attend a building at a set time for training. The internet allows the Job seeker real options
The internet is opening many doors allowing us to provide training support through the internet. 
Be Inspired's Managing Director Lisa Duffy also shared with me the work that her company is doing. Be Inspired is working with clients to provide them with solutions that overcome barriers 
Having identified many of the issues that we have featured on our site's she has like ourselves provided individuals with assessed solutions. 
The services her company provides are services that many really keen Job seekers will welcome.
As a job seeker in the U.K if you need help you need to ask. So that we can provide you with some solutions

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

DWP Minister Esther McVey Employment Minsiter: grilling by the Select Committee over Sanctions pt1

Current DWP Minister Esther McVey receiving a grilling from the Select Committee of MPs chaired by Dame Anne Begg. A comical performance; McVey's rambling did not answer one question put to her, she didn't know figures asked of her, and denied evidence of DWP staff being harassed into sanctions targets

Impact questions were repeatedly asked of the Minister from as early as the first 5mins of the review
no evidence was offered of any success. I have included aproximate timings of comments throughout this video- so specific comments and questions can be followed in context.

DWP Punitive Sanctions

DWP Sanctions are described as punitive in this committee. by both Dame Anne Begg Chair of the Work and pensions Committee.
13:00-No research has been undertaken on the effects on Sanction on claimants own ability to survive
Advisors had made it clear that there was a culture of targeting the vulnerable with sanctions. This is shown in this cjss article.

15:50 -No support is really offered to sanctioned claimants.
17:11 mins-Sharon Gilmore indicates that many step back from the job search to deal with the finances. She felt that the claimants were treated like naughty children

DWP Communications

Some claimants often only found out that they had been sanctioned through checking their bank accounts.
The committee continues to question as to how the Sanctions are being reviewed and how the success is being checked and there is clear indication of avoidance of the issue. No evidence of defence is provided by the department
22:00 - No evaluation or review  is planned of the Sanction system
35:00- Esther McVey states you cannot have a Welfare Benefit system without a punitive Sanction based system based on International evidence
37-38 Esther answers a question from Teresa Pearce indicating that although there is a Destination survey her department is unclear as to how many have gone into work due to sanctions and how many have just changed benefits.

Welfare benefit witheld

41:00- Debbie Abrahams asks about the money withheld from claimants. rising from 2010-2011 at 45 million to 60 million in 2011-12. esther indicates that Stephen Timms requst for further information has been turned down as the stats aren't accurate as they do not include Hardship benefits. This has led to the statisticians decision not to reveal more information.

Universal Credit

Debbie's constituency includes Oldham that has seen the introduction of Universal Credit in recent times.
43:00- Debbie indicates that  £275 million has been witheld. A minute later Debbie refers Esther to Universal Credit conditionality. The Sanction issues related to in work sanctions on low pay.
Esther then indicates that there will be conditionality on the Universal Credit payments including
Requirements to reach a certain Threshold of income -£11.000 -Promotion, training etc....A random control pilot....

Thursday, 26 February 2015


Linkedin Linkedin


Linkedin really didn't appeal to me initially.Until I saw it's potential. Linkedin allows you to share who you are and what you about almost as if you were in the same room with other key people. You can share your CV and what makes you tick with others. You can join groups and read about what is really going on and ask the questions that you want to ask in a way that you cannot within all the other forms of social media. In many ways its more open than a website and more approachable than calling a company as you might have done some years ago If you are looking for work in a certain industry it's a great solution to look at the Recruitment within the industry and to see what the decision makers are saying within that sector. There is a Privacy option however, there is a great opportunity as a Job seeker to promote yourself.

Talk about your Passion

An excellent way of using Linkedin without being pushy. Wise words on personal marketing

The Linkedin profile

The Linkedin profile provides an excellent opportunity to allow recruiters and potential employers to see your CV, Employment history, Interests and your ability to put your Skills and knowledge across without having to push. Instead contribute.  

 Linkedin Posts

Linkedin Posts
Linkedin Posts
Linkedin Posts[/caption] Linkedin Posts are an opportunity to share your skills and knowledge on a subject that you might be passionate. Keep it relevant. Think before you post. maybe its worth seeing what others think of your posts As I write this page I regard myself as something of a novice on Linkedin, so my views and experience is limited. However, I feel that it's worth looking at .

Skills and Endorsements

skills endorsementsLinkedIn provides the opportunity for others to endorse you. To vouch for you. Almost like a reference. This is a particularly usefull tool for Recruiters and employers. You can choose those key words and others can endorse you. In today's employment market that is an effective resource.