- How a client can benefit from Remote Support, Advice and Guidance
- Discover information that they can return to and ask questions about the information they are being provided with
- Client and Provider can Jointly look and discuss action required and review progress and needs
- The Videos show the Experience from both computers at the same time and how both sides see the same process
- The differences between the views
Remote computer-Trainee or Client
Can take control or disconnect when they wish- Share with their Adviser what they know and what they need to know
Can engage and chat with Adviser
The Facilitator-Adviser or Guide
- The Adviser is able to see both screens
- The Adviser can take over from the client as well as has both chat boxes on screen.
- Can engage by chat or speak to the client assessing the need and requirements
- If there are issues at the Advisers computer the client does not see the issue
- The Adviser can see his own screen
- If the client requires the adviser can see some technical issues at the client end