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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Benefit changes "a real concern"

From April the criteria for disability benefit is set to change, with a new level for the higher rate of allowance. A person will now need to be unable to walk 20 metres, instead of the previous 50. Baroness Grey-Thompson says this will see some disabled people "excluded from society"

The Baroness has a point and her words carry weight

Benefits on pre-paid cards?

A Demos report launched today argues that, for certain groups, benefits should be distributed using pre-paid cards to increase financial inclusion, encourage responsible money management and reward savings behaviour.
The changes would mean families could apply a weekly cap on their spending or ring-fence a portion for rent and people could voluntarily impose restrictions on their own cards to stop them buying alcohol or gambling, for example.
Conservative MP Alec Shelbrook has tabled a 10 minute rule motion that would impose a ban on benefits being used to purchase items including cigarettes, alcohol, subscription television services and gambling. "It's trying to help the poorest in society be able to manage their money better," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme."
We need to make sure we can put faith back in the system, support people at their time of greatest need, and make sure that the public - and everybody knows - that this is a national insurance system and not a government charity," he continued.
But Claudia Wood, deputy director of Demos and co-author of the report, believes it's important not to infantilise people. "Using cards voluntarily to help you budget and for people with alcohol and substance misuse these cards would actually be really useful," she argued.

The EU problem for 2014 planning

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The latest idea to discourage Eu potential claiments from coming to the UK
The idea of having additional claiments coming in 2014. The Government knows the challenge to the system and they know what has happened with the other countries. Discussions around public services leads to concern. The gordon Brown incident at the last election is an area that politicians treat around. They are clearly cocerned.
"mmigration Minister Mark Harper appeared to deny the government was planning a negative advertising campaign to deter Bulgarians and Romanians heading to the UK when restrictions are lifted in 2014.
He told Andrew Neil not to believe everything he read in the newspapers, but the UK was not a "soft touch" for those claiming benefits, and he spoke about NHS entitlements.
They watched a mock advert made by the Daily Politics' Adam Fleming on how to deter people heading to Britain, before Labour's Chris Leslie joined in the debate about immigration figures."

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Welfare reform and partnerships

Welfare reforms

The politics issue shows the challenges faced by local authories as well as the individual stories. The preperation in dealing with the challenges ahead as well as the Partnership challenges. the housing issues alone stands out but your each area may be different It would seem the partnership arrangements with DWP is a challenge. Ensuring the info even on web sites is critical. The definition of Vulnerability is interesting. It is seen as relevant within the hardship rules.

Wonga expansion or Wronga

Is it concerning that Wonga is meeting a market need?
Are the traditional banks not able to meet this need-
Wonga Busuness Loans-"business loans are for £3,000 to £15,000, for up to a year, its would-be borrowers are typically small businesses which need some quick cash, for instance to buy stock at a discount, not to build a factory or an entire business"
Wonga said "Wonga is not going to try setting up in either France or Germany because people there are much more reluctant to borrow in the first place."
However where credit isnt so easily available its moving in "short-term loans to customers online in South Africa, Canada, Poland and soon it will set up in Spain." isnt in favour of payday loans> Credit Unions have a lot of benefits for the small unemployed lender

Diary of a Benefit Scrounger Radio 4

Diary of a benefit scrounger is featured on Radio 4 tomorrow .Should be an interesting debate if DWP is also represented

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Benefits changes

It seems a long time since the Banking issues but the Banking crisis hit this country.
Now we are supposed to forget them and their bonuses that are often guarenteed within their contracts because the Benefit claiment are an easier target.
lets look at the reality.
the claiment numbers are low and costs are minimal
The latest developments at DWP show the training issue. The online support and training is limited and that leads to the problem for the Job seeker.
For those on minimum wage there is little between their incomes and JSA. partly because of issues like rent etc

The well off get their tax reductions to encourage them to stay in the UK yet, the hard working minions should be gratefull for their work.
So  1% RISE to keep costs down against the 8-9% increase in utility bills leads to a clear motivation towards the cash in hand work or survival instinct?
Tax dodges at all levels