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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Benefits changes

It seems a long time since the Banking issues but the Banking crisis hit this country.
Now we are supposed to forget them and their bonuses that are often guarenteed within their contracts because the Benefit claiment are an easier target.
lets look at the reality.
the claiment numbers are low and costs are minimal
The latest developments at DWP show the training issue. The online support and training is limited and that leads to the problem for the Job seeker.
For those on minimum wage there is little between their incomes and JSA. partly because of issues like rent etc

The well off get their tax reductions to encourage them to stay in the UK yet, the hard working minions should be gratefull for their work.
So  1% RISE to keep costs down against the 8-9% increase in utility bills leads to a clear motivation towards the cash in hand work or survival instinct?
Tax dodges at all levels

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