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Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Wonga expansion or Wronga

Is it concerning that Wonga is meeting a market need?
Are the traditional banks not able to meet this need-
Wonga Busuness Loans-"business loans are for £3,000 to £15,000, for up to a year, its would-be borrowers are typically small businesses which need some quick cash, for instance to buy stock at a discount, not to build a factory or an entire business"
Wonga said "Wonga is not going to try setting up in either France or Germany because people there are much more reluctant to borrow in the first place."
However where credit isnt so easily available its moving in "short-term loans to customers online in South Africa, Canada, Poland and soon it will set up in Spain." isnt in favour of payday loans> Credit Unions have a lot of benefits for the small unemployed lender

Diary of a Benefit Scrounger Radio 4

Diary of a benefit scrounger is featured on Radio 4 tomorrow .Should be an interesting debate if DWP is also represented

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Benefits changes

It seems a long time since the Banking issues but the Banking crisis hit this country.
Now we are supposed to forget them and their bonuses that are often guarenteed within their contracts because the Benefit claiment are an easier target.
lets look at the reality.
the claiment numbers are low and costs are minimal
The latest developments at DWP show the training issue. The online support and training is limited and that leads to the problem for the Job seeker.
For those on minimum wage there is little between their incomes and JSA. partly because of issues like rent etc

The well off get their tax reductions to encourage them to stay in the UK yet, the hard working minions should be gratefull for their work.
So  1% RISE to keep costs down against the 8-9% increase in utility bills leads to a clear motivation towards the cash in hand work or survival instinct?
Tax dodges at all levels

Monday, 24 September 2012

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Benefits change: What are the Universal Credit fears?

Seventy organisations, most of which will be involved in implementing the biggest overhaul of the benefits system since the creation of the welfare state, have told MPs of their concerns about the government's plans.
BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend has been shown the written evidence submitted to the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee, which is examining the progress being made towards the implementation of the Universal Credit in the autumn of 2013.
In over 500 pages of testimony, organisations representing councils, charities, trades unions, business groups, housing organisations and the government set out their outlook on the changes.
Universal Credit attempts to address what Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith sees as the two principal failings of the current benefits system: complexity and failing to make it worthwhile to take up paid work.
Many of those who have submitted evidence to the select committee of MPs regard themselves as key to making sure this huge change works.
Deep-seated worries
Many too, in evidence amounting to more than 200,000 words, acknowledge the government's motivations for reform are sound.
But two key themes emerge which suggest deep seated and broad based worries about the practicalities of making the idea work.
Firstly, a wide range of potential implications are raised both for prospective recipients of Universal Credit and those responsible for delivering it.
Secondly, there are serious concerns about getting the system up and running successfully in a year from now, by October 2013.
So what impact could the change to Universal Credit have?
'Digital by default'
The evidence shows there is widespread concern about managing Universal Credit online, the implications of it being paid monthly and being paid to one member of a household, and the gap when the current system is phased out and the new one starts.
Ministers are very keen to ensure that the new system should be "digital by default" - in other words, managed and run online.
"The new universal credit system risks causing difficulties to the 8.5 million people who have never used the internet and a further 14.5 million who have virtually no ICT skills," says Citizens Advice.

Start Quote

Only one in ten of claimants think it would make their lives easier”
Women's Budget Group
The public sector workers union Unison makes a similar point, as does the National Housing Federation, the umbrella group for homeless organisations, Homeless Link and Community Links, a charity based in east London, amongst others.
Concerns are raised too about paying Universal Credit monthly.
The Women's Budget Group, which describes itself as an "independent organisation bringing together individuals from academia, non-governmental organisations and trades unions to promote gender equality," also makes some observations.
It tells the MPs: "The government says monthly payment of Universal Credit mimics life in work.
"But many on low incomes in work have wages and/or benefits and tax credits paid more frequently, which matches common budgeting patterns for those on low incomes.
"Only one in ten of claimants think it would make their lives easier. Women are likely to be hit harder, as in low income families they tend to make more frequent purchases that will be squeezed as money is stretched."
There are concerns too that the payment of Universal Credit to one person in a household could, in some instances, upset the family dynamic: potentially putting that individual in a position of considerable power and influence.
Many of those who have submitted evidence are worried about how some people will cope when the changeover from the current benefits system to the Universal Credit takes place.
Ian Duncan SmithWork and Pensions Secretary Ian Duncan Smith wants to overcome problems in the benefits system
"What consideration has been given to providing grants to cover a shortfall when transitioning from fortnightly to monthly payments, rather than claimants having to rely on budgeting advances or 'pay-day loans' which need to be re-paid?" asks Gingerbread, the charity for single parents.
Manchester City Council raise a broader concern: the effects not just on people, but communities.
"We have concerns about the impacts on people but also on 'place' - either from large scale churn de-stabilising people and communities or reductions in income within areas with high concentrations of people currently on benefit."
Let's now turn to look at some of practical problems around making this change happen on time.
A wide range of organisations involved in meeting the government's deadline are clearly very worried about achieving it.
At the heart of the Universal Credit is what is known as the Real Time Information system. The aim is it will be much more responsive to peoples changing circumstances.
It will require employers to update changes in their employees' pay every month instead of every year.
This will be a "significant and difficult burden, reliant on information from others", the Chartered Institute of Taxation tells the MPs.
major concerns and a lack of understanding of I.T . system
'Real risk'
The success of the Universal Credit depends on the new computer system being completed "under extremely tight timelines," the employers' organisation, the CBI says.
"The new system's tight delivery timetable, coupled with low awareness among companies, is a risk to business and to the implementation of the Universal Credit."
"There is a real risk that the central government Universal Credit IT systems will not be ready on time," adds the Local Government Association, which represents councils.
So how does the government respond? Radio 4's The World This Weekend invited a minister to appear on the programme, but the invitation was declined.
In its evidence to the committee of MPs, the Department for Work and Pensions claims that "digital skills are a factor in around 72% of jobs", and so encouraging people to manage their Universal Credit online is sensible. It also saves a significant amount of money.
Advice will also be available, the department says, for those recipients who need help with managing their family budget.
"Rigorous, integrated IT testing has also commenced," it adds, pointing out it has "some of the best contingency arrangements in place across government" if things go wrong.

Royal Mail staff given access to confidential medical details

Confidential medical information from sick and disabled people applying for welfare benefits is opened and sorted by Royal Mail staff on behalf of the Government without the claimant's knowledge or consent, The Independent can reveal.
Medical experts reacted angrily to the potential for breaches in confidentiality after it emerged that the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) routinely uses Royal Mail to process the thousands of benefits claims, including health data, it receives every day.
The revelations have prompted fresh concerns about the fact that the handling of sensitive personal information can be legally outsourced without the subject's consent.
For example, people applying for sickness benefits such as employment support allowance (ESA) must first complete a detailed medical questionnaire explaining their conditions, prescribed medication and therapies, and the names and addresses of their doctors and nurses.
The form, which also includes highly sensitive questions about addictions and mental illness, is then posted in a pre-addressed envelope to the DWP or Atos Healthcare – the Paralympics sponsor paid by the Government to carry out controversial assessments of claimants' capacity to work.
However, it has emerged that these envelopes are routinely opened and the contents sorted by the Royal Mail, unless the envelope is specifically marked "private and confidential". In those cases they are sent to Atos unopened, according to the DWP.
The information came to light after Lynne Neagle, a Welsh Assembly member, was asked to investigate by a constituent who was told by a local post office not to bother sending ESA forms by special delivery as the envelope would be opened by Royal Mail regardless.
Former RAF man John Williams, 50, from Pontypool in south Wales, received incapacity benefit (the precursor to ESA) for 10 years, because he was unable to work as a result of arthritis and post-traumatic stress disorder. He was recently declared fit for work – which means that his benefit will stop after 12 months whether he has a job or not – and was posting his appeal documents when told about Royal Mail's role. "Nowhere in any of the paperwork does it say that a third party is involved," he said. "People are sending very personal information and have a right to know this is happening; I feel like I've been misled."
Ms Neagle said: "These claimants often have incredibly complex case histories – they may have mental health problems or be victims of sexual abuse – I imagine they'd find it incredibly unsettling to know that such deeply personal information was being treated like this.
"While I have no reason to doubt the absolute integrity of the Royal Mail staff involved, that's not the point – they simply should not have access to this kind of information."
The DWP said security measures were in place to minimise the risk of any data breaches, including CCTV in sorting rooms and procedures that mean at least two people open the mail together.
"We are a large organisation that handles all kinds of sensitive information. We use Royal Mail to sort and direct our mail to the appropriate processing centre," a spokesman said. "We hold the contract and ensure they abide by the same data protection and security checks as any DWP employee."
Dr Tony Calland, chair of the British Medical Association ethics committee, said the security was irrelevant: "We are very concerned that a government department could even contemplate allowing such sensitive and confidential medical data to be handled by a third party without the person's consent."
An Atos Healthcare spokeswoman said: "We're subject to the postal arrangements set by the DWP. Once we receive information we strictly comply with all of the Government's confidentiality and data security regulations. Where the envelope is addressed directly to Atos Healthcare it is opened by our staff."

Friday, 31 August 2012

One event

CJSS was featured the ONe event radio show with Mark Hutton throughout the Bank Holiday weekend . We hope to develop better channels the new site has a lot to offer. check out