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Showing posts with label Tax avoidance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tax avoidance. Show all posts

Monday, 9 February 2015

HSBC Tax avoidance & Welfare Benefit Fraud

The HSBC Tax avoidance and Benefit Fraud

Tax Fraud v Benefit Fraud

The HSBC issue and Benefit Fraud is an interesting story of two aspects of our economy in the U.K.
The Benefit Fraud issue is highlighted in the first video recorded some time ago and features the major issue of Benefit Fraud and the consequences

This highlights the issue that most welfare benefit claimants cannot afford the lawyers that the Wealthy Tax avoiders can afford.

The line that Benefit Fraud hurts the tax payer should------now apply to the Tax avoider shouldnt it?

Will we see the same level of protections with the wealthy Tax avoiders or will there be a fear of upsetting them? The Photo explained

HSBC Tax avoidance

Own speaks of Tax avoidance and here today in the U.K we hear of the issue of Tax avoidance featured on Panorama tonight.
Uk Government seems to be rather reluctant to chase the Tax.

Working Families Tax Credit

Leaving us also to reflect on how quickly the Working Family Tax credit claimants have their money reclaimed with the threat of Debt recovery and all the other action HMRC will take. As Mr Cameron has said. we are all in this together