
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Arguably Underemployment in the U.K is as significant issue as Unemployment has ever been. Politically there has always been the issue of the Job Seekers on Job Seeker Allowance (Unemployment Benefit) But now we see the emergence of the part time worker, or 0 hour worker
many politicians argue that this suits these individuals. However, the growth of the Food bank in recent years indicates that this is not the case.
The growth of self employment rather than unemployment has seen development but the test will occur when the interest rates rise as to how many of those self employed one man bands survive. Often the case is that these self employed people will work part time as well as being self employed.
The 0 hour contract is possibly the worst contract as it does not provide sufficient stability of hours and income to meet our Banking industry criteria. 
The emphasis of some of the sites I am connected to will be adjusting their direction to reflect on this change in emphasis

Underemployment refers to an employment situation that is insufficient in some important way for the worker, relative to a standard.[1] Examples include holding a part-time job despite desiring full-time work, and overqualification, where the employee has education, experience, or skills beyond the requirements of the job.
Underemployment has been studied in recent decades from a variety of perspectives, including economicsmanagementpsychology, and sociology. In economics, for example, the term underemployment has three different distinct meanings and applications. All meanings involve a situation in which a person is working, unlike unemployment, where a person who is searching for work and cannot find a job. All meanings involve under-utilization of labor which is missed by most official (governmental agency) definitions and measurements of unemployment.
Underemployment can refer to:
  1. "Overqualification" or "overeducation", or the employment of workers with high education, skill levels, or experience in jobs that do not require such abilities.[2] For example, a trained medical doctor who works as a taxi driver would experience this type of underemployment.
  2. "Involuntary part-time" work, where workers who could (and would like to) be working for a full work-week can only find part-time work. By extension, the term is also used inregional planning to describe regions where economic activity rates are unusually low, due to a lack of job opportunities, training opportunities, or due to a lack of services such as childcare and public transportation.
  3. "Overstaffing" or "hidden unemployment" (also called "labor hoarding"[3]), the practice in which businesses or entire economies employ workers who are not fully occupied—for example, workers currently not being used to produce goods or services due to legal or social restrictions or because the work is highly seasonal.

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