
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Old and New

The challenge of the job seeker
A job seeker signing on with their job centre is encouraged to register with agencies.
When an agency text them at a weekend with a days work there is a challenge?
When you agree to take the day's work you are duty bound to notify the Jobcentre. There is a concern that if you notify the job centre you will lose all your benefits or they will be stopped.
O.K when the agency system started up the DWP had its current system.
Today companies often seek staff for a day. In the application form the National Insurance number is requested. DWP also use this same number. If payment is going through on this number there is an automatic match.
Thus the Government has the power to identify the modern economy. Indeed the DWP requires I.D to produce a new NI number.
So now you have the I.D checker
Many dread the 1 day of work, because you feel used. Not part of the business. Yet, turning down work is a breach of the Job seeker agreement.
 The Job seeker agreement was based on the start of a job. Full time Job in it's traditional sence.Yet today's economy is different. It fails to take account of today's work environment and economy. The world of net business and p/t work or 1 or two days work in a week

Thursday, 26 July 2012


Complete saved claims by 27 July

If you've saved a partially-completed claim, complete it by 27 July - otherwise you'll need to start your claim again. Unsubmitted claims will be deleted to allow for a system upgrade.

Tax credits enquiries  Deadline- 31st  July

  0345 300 3900   

8.00 am to 8.00 pm, Monday to Friday                  8.00 am to 4.00 pm Saturday 

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Tessa Jowell

She has just stated that the housing will be handed over to those in need

Olympic benefits- It is thought UK firms involved in London 2012 will be well-placed to sell their new-found expertise.

inisters forecast these events should generate £1bn in extra sales by UK firms.
UKTI has also identified an additional £4bn of "high value opportunities" such as projects linked to the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics and the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro. It is thought UK firms involved in London 2012 will be well-placed to sell their new-found expertise.
Another £6bn could come from direct investment in UK projects and developments by overseas companies such as the £8bn development of the Battersea Power Station site in South London by Malaysia's SP Setia.
The project is expected to create 33,000 jobs.
Finally, the UKTI hopes its new "Great" advertising campaign fronted by Oscar-winning actress Dame Judi Dench and Slumdog Millionaire star Dev Patel will boost the number of visitors to the UK by 4 million from 2011 to 2015, generating a £2.3bn boost to the UK economy.
Altogether, the government hopes the Games and legacy projects connected to it will generate £13bn for the UK economy over the next 10 years.

Creating jobs
Many economists believe any long-term economic boost from the Games will be marginal.
Thursday's launch comes the day after official figures showed the UK economy as measured by Gross Domestic Product shrank 0.7% in the three months to the end of June.
However, new figures from the UKTI showed inward investment by overseas firms created 52,741 new jobs in the year to the end of March, which was an increase of 26% increase from the previous year.
A further 59,918 existing jobs were also calculated to have been secured by foreign investment.
"Despite a difficult international economic climate, more jobs have been created and secured than in any year for over a decade," said Business Secretary Vince Cable.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

I discovered Startup UK along with many of the pages interconnected with Business Link. If you are in the prime target arena of 18-24 then StartUp UK has some interesting possibilities
Start up a Business on has also gone up on line .. Check out the domains.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Looking at theStats is a little concerning. When you reflect on the areas that the Government are focussing on you get a real sense of progress or not as the case may be