
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Hungry Britain - Panorama

Bristol Food banks and stats are striking.7 Food Banks in Bristol. 43 Tonnes of food distributed

 Chris Mould's comments are notable as are the comments from the Bishops letter.

The Food Banks are referral based as pointed out in the film. Note the mention of the Loan Shark
If you have been sanctioned then you may not get money for 3 months.
The Sanction is at least 1 month on JSA
It is easy to see why the demand 875.000 Sanctions were applied. This is a significant figure
With nearly 400 Sanctions over turned each day
The Grantham Job centre showing the savings on this film is clear.
But even those working are struggling as you can see on the film
Steve and Lisa are examples of success even though

This is survival Britain

Thursday, 20 February 2014


  End hunger fast in Britain. There has been a growing campaign to show solidarity. Join the National day of fasting on April 4th, and are keen to support.

Forty-three Christian leaders, including 27 Anglican bishops, have signed a letter urging David Cameron to ensure people get enough to eat

 No one should go hungry in Britain  however hospital admissions have seen a rise in malnutritons in the last year.

But people receive benefits you say?
indeed but the Sanction system can stop you obtaining money if you fail to attend an appointment FOR ANY REASON.
If you take into consideration recent weather conditions that is frightening................
The rise in the use of the Food Banks indicates their value in todays society. 
Te recent series Benefit Street highlighted their importance but also indicated that the users had to qualify themselves
As a donor rather than a user i believe that all of this in a recovering country says something about our values

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Self employment boost

Self Employment is seeing a boost The number of self-employed people in the UK has reached a record high of 4.4 million, according to the latest estimates from the Office for National Statistics The rise is self employment and different stories

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Mentoring can make a difference

Mentoring can make a difference

Levi was mentored from Dragons Den. Here is his background story. His plans for the future

How it worked after 6 months
Levi talks about the business plan and his direction.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Skills Training and Youth

In a survey of 91,000 employers, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills found more than one in five vacancies were down to a poor skills base.
The UKCES found 146,200 job vacancies (22%) last year were unfilled because of inadequate skills, compared with 91,400 (16%) two years earlier.
The warning comes as the UK economy is reported to show signs of recovery.
In a survey of 91,000 employers, the UK Commission for Employment and Skills found more than one in five vacancies were down to a poor skills base.

The UKCES found 146,200 job vacancies (22%) last year were unfilled because of inadequate skills, compared with 91,400 (16%) two years earlier.

The warning comes as the UK economy is reported to show signs of recovery.

On Tuesday, figures released by the Office for National Statistics showed the UK economy grew by 1.9% in 2013, its strongest rate since 2007.

The UKCES report - Skills for Sustainable Recovery - found there were 655,000 vacancies in the UK between March and July 2013, up from 586,500 in 2011.

It suggests that the problem of inadequate skills, qualifications or experience in the workforce is hitting some industries harder than others, with more skills shortages found in areas such as manufacturing, construction and plumbing, as well as in health and social care.

The study said employers struggled to find employees with the "core generic skills" of communication, literacy and numeracy.

Continue reading the main story
Vacancies in 2013 because of inadequate skills
UK: 146,200 (22% of vacancies)

England: 124,800 (22% of vacancies)

Scotland: 13,400 (25% of vacancies)

Wales: 5,100 (20% of vacancies)

Northern Ireland: 2,900 (19% of vacancies)

Continue reading the main story
Vacancies in 2011 because of inadequate skills
UK: 91,400 (16% of vacancies)

England: 76,900 (15% of vacancies)

Scotland: 6,700 (15% of vacancies)

Wales: 4,000 (18% of vacancies)

Northern Ireland: 3,900 (21% of vacancies)

The report said: "There has been an increase in the proportion of skill-shortage vacancies resulting from a lack of communication skills, particularly oral communication (41%, up from 37% in 2011), as well as a lack of literacy (34% up from 28% in 2011) and numeracy skills (26%, up from 24%)."

It also found nearly half of employers across the UK (48%) admitted to recruiting people with higher levels of skills and knowledge than were required for the job.

The research found the number of establishments providing training for their staff was back to levels seen before the recession.

However, the amount spent on training decreased from £1,680 per employee in 2011 to £1,590 in 2013.

The UKCES said only a minority of businesses were prepared to give education leavers their first job, but when they did, they found these new recruits to be generally well-prepared for work.

College leavers were reported by employers to be more "work ready" than school leavers of the same age.

Douglas McCormick, a commissioner at UKCES, said: "Whilst the rise in the number of vacancies is a good sign that the economy is recovering, there's a real possibility that businesses might not be able to make the most of the upturn because they don't have the right people.

"This shows that businesses need to start thinking about planning their talent pipeline now - not waiting until they are unable to fulfil contracts because of a lack of skilled staff."

Matthew Hancock, Minister for Skills and Enterprise, said: "Employers in some sectors report persistent skills shortages, which is why I have been working hard to design a skills system that is rigorous in the training it provides and responsive to the needs of employers.

Careers advice
Neil Carberry, director for employment and skills for the CBI, said: "The flipside of faster growth is an escalating skills crisis.

"We must expand access to high-quality apprenticeships and other 'learn while you earn' schemes and ensure that these meet the needs of both businesses and employees.

"To equip young people with the knowledge they need, there must also be a sea change in the quality of careers advice in schools, so they are more aware of the opportunities and rewards of working in key sectors which face skills shortages."

TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said: "It's great that more businesses want to recruit. But with jobseekers outnumbering vacancies by four to one, it's hugely frustrating that across the UK a large number of jobs go unfilled because of local skills shortages.

"Employers, unions and government must each play their part in tackling the UK's damaging skills shortages."

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

DWP sanctions ...reasonable or unreasonable...You choose??

Sanctions can be imposed for a long period of time even when a claiment has evidence in their defence

Sanctions and their levels

Monday, 9 December 2013

Universal Credit IDS and DWP team

Before it did not look good

The time table that is not going to plan

So what happened to IDS when he had to answer the questions 
What is happening to the system IDS and team answer to the M.P's Department for Work and Pensions

Annual Report and Accounts
 Witnesses Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP, Secretary of State, Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform, Howard Shiplee CBE, Universal Credit Director General, and Mike Driver, Finance Director General, Department for Work and Pensions