Unemployment is a challenge. This blog looks at what is happening around the country and some solutions. You are not alone
These are personal thoughts-
Consultancy undertaken through benefits2work.com & http://jobsearchagent.co.uk/ 07963 137094
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material
The Challenge and the reality of the search for work
The 3 year sanction is mentioned.
The challenge is keeping the job seekers motivated with the rejection.. Yet no programme to deal with this on a long term basis??
Trying to find your way around the Uk benefit system is confusing for Uk based people
You need the help then you can ask
People filling these questionaire's have a procedure to follow. The paperwork goes in this case two to different offices to be processed
The right to reside paperwork interconnects with the JSA claim paperwork as seen on the right hand side at the top
If you take your I.D or passport to the local job centre they can copy it officially and then you do not have to send it to their office. This is a safe way of handling the process
We have been involved in processing many of these claims. and have been known to deal with the call centre as a third party.
You do have to authorize that with them.
Questions you are asked include the length of time you are likely to being uk as well as family connections you may have here as well as in your home country.
It should be noted that with the Role out of Universal Credit the paperwork will in theory cease and all will be computer based. It is likely that you will require access to computer at that stage.. However you will be able to access on line support as well
The Child benefit requires you to send your Child's birth certificate to the office on the address provided.
The office returns the documents quickly normally so you should be Ok.. A prepaid envelope is provided
There will be a £30 charge for a full consultancy and for a claim processing
Skype Benefits2work.com 07963 137095
We recognise the need for claimants who are setting up a business to be given time to establish themselves and find sources of support. Therefore where a claimant has been self-employed for less than 12 months, a start up period will be granted.
This means that claimants will not be required to look for work or satisfy requirements to be available for work, and we will not assume a minimum level of income from self-employment (known as the ‘Minimum Income Floor’). This will give them time to concentrate on developing their business.
Claimants will be allowed a new start up period every 5 years rather than once in their lifetime.
John Walker - Chairman of the the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB):
'The reason why the recession hasn’t proved as devastating on employment as first feared is because huge numbers of people laid off from their regular jobs have turned to self-employment.
However, the government needs to be clear these proposed changes to Universal Credit could reverse this trend and remove a valuable route back into the labour market through self-employment. Entrepreneurs and small firms already find tax complicated to deal with and these proposed changes are completely at odds with Ministers’ wishes to simplify the tax system.
Furthermore, both HMRC and DWP are placing too much faith on the ability for small firms to deal with their tax affairs online. It betrays a lack of understanding about the way small businesses operates. Moreover, the UK’s digital infrastructure simply isn’t able to cope.
The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG), supported by a number of tax, business and accountancy organisations are calling for an urgent rethink on how small businesses and the self-employed will be dealt with under Universal Credit.
These views were set out in a letter to the Welfare Reform Minister, Lord Freud.
LITRG’s chairman, Anthony Thomas, said: "'The Government say that Universal Credit will ensure that work always pays. That will not be the case for many self-employed. There will be disincentives to taking up self-employed work, leaving some people unnecessarily trapped on welfare. There will also be a significant increase in bureaucracy for small business. Both of these are the opposite of what the Government want.'
The LITRG say that the mechanics of Working Tax Credit have so far worked well for small businesses in that they recognise the same profits and losses as for tax purposes. This means that where the tax system supports self-employed people through start-up or loss-making periods, or times when they are investing heavily to grow their business, tax credits do likewise.
Under the Universal Credit rules as currently proposed those advantages will be lost. Businesses will have to draw up two sets of accounts – one for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the other for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – and the latter will have to be done monthly, thereby massively increasing bureaucratic burdens. The basis of accounting favoured by DWP will not give full recognition to large items of expenditure in any one month, potentially heavily distorting the economic reality of how a business is doing.'
The Opposition responce includes the Factor that Universal Credit is a good idea..But the concerns and role out may be an issue
There are indications that the Software may face issues. Clearly Universal Job Match faced initial challenges
On the Ground floor
What is your view. Are you affected by the change. Do you understand it?
Universal Credit schedule
April 2013: First claims taken in Ashton-under-Lyne July 2013: Delayed pilot schemes start in Warrington, Wigan and Oldham October 2013: New claimants nationally move to universal credit Spring 2014: Current claimants start shift from existing benefits to the new payment 2017: Switch is completed
There may be an element of pride but this also the aspect of Need
A striking video .. Its not the so called "scroungers that are being touched but also those on minimal incomes from jobs
For many...even those in some forms of work there is a sence of desperation
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