
I feature some views on the Unemployment situation News in the UK. We feature the latest on The U.K Unemployment News. The Youtube channel has a focus on UK Unemployment News with specially selected material

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Bankers Bonuses

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Following the Banking crisis where do you stand on this?
Is the Eu decision good for the UK economy good or Bad

Monday, 15 April 2013

National Minimum pay rise

Business secretary Vince Cable said the government accepted the recommendation of the Low Pay Commission.

However, although the Commission said the rate for apprentices should be frozen, Mr Cable said it would rise by 3p to £2.68 an hour.

The increases are below current inflation levels.

Retail Prices Index (RPI) inflation currently stands at 3.2% and the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) at 2.8%.

Business Secretary Vince Cable said: "The independent Low Pay Commission plays a crucial role in advising the government when setting the national minimum wage every year. It balances wages of low paid workers against employment prospects if the rate was set too high.

"We are accepting its recommendations for the adult and youth rate increases, which I am confident strikes this balance. However, there is worrying evidence that a significant number of employers are not paying apprentices the relevant minimum wage rate.

"Apprenticeships are at the heart of our goal to support a stronger economy, and so it is important to continue to make them attractive to young people. Therefore, I am not taking forward the LPC's recommendation to freeze the apprenticeship rate due to non-compliance, but instead am raising it in line with the youth rates.

"We are working on a series of tough new measures to ensure we tackle non-compliance issues across the board."

'Modest' increase
The EEF manufacturers' organisation said the rises struck a delicate balance between the need for pay increases and the limitations employers faced in awarding rises.

"The modest increase in the apprenticeship rate is unlikely to negatively affect apprenticeship recruitment and of much greater importance is the raising of apprenticeships standards, better information and advice to students and ensuring that apprenticeships are truly employer-led and employer-driven," the EEF said.

Employers said the rise struck a balance between the need for wage increases and firms' ability to pay
However, the British Chambers of Commerce said the increase in the adult rate would add to the cost pressures on business, although it called the rises for youth workers and apprentices "restrained".

Dr Adam Marshall, the BCC's director of policy, said: "We are disappointed that the government has chosen to raise the adult national minimum wage rate by 1.9%, an increase that is over 50% higher than current average pay growth.

"While the pressures of inflation are affecting many people, including the lowest-paid, the scale of this rise adds significantly to business costs, most of all by contributing to broader pay inflation. It will also make some employers less inclined to hire additional members of staff."

TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady said: "Boosting the incomes of the low-paid goes straight into the economy and wage-led growth must be part of the recovery, so we would have liked to have seen minimum wage rates go up further today, even if the government has rightly rejected calls for a freeze.

"But we are pleased that ministers have increased the apprenticeship rate. This sends a positive signal about the importance of apprentices."

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Day of Prayer-17th June

An image of anger released outside Lincoln Job Centre 
On the 17th of Jone at 19:30
I would like to invite you to join us in Prayer for those that are touched by the changes in the welfare system.
Many are affected in so many ways...We are not talking about Scroungers here ...we are talking about those who are caught up in a situation that is changing.
can you and your local Church pray for the following.

  1. The Claiments facing the changes
  2. The staff facing the issues
  3. Those who are seeing the changes. who genuinely seek a better life and the opportunities where there are few.
  4. We as a nation can find ways to help those as they seek ways forward through this period

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Thatcher legacy

The Thatcher figures remind us of the challenges for leaders and the economy
The legacy to manufacturing and the responces from different sectors of the economy

It highlights the issue..The death of traditional manufacturing.The current Neet generation may face the challenge but the decade we saw then hit even harder and there was no internet.
The economic cycle was another issue

Was the reality that numbers of unemployed had an advantage for the Party of the time

Thursday, 4 April 2013

TV Channel

 It would be good to see something similar to The Fairy JobMother The series had a value that adds to encouraging others
or Anne Widdecombe

There is a strong message here that needs to be a regular series
To encourage and motivate the job seeker and remind them even reteach the skills

Get back to work featuring Mick Philpott

This video covers immigration as well as Youth Unemployment plus Mick Philpott the child killer 
The concept that George Osbourne raised of the Welfare system being involved is an insult to the many Job seekers out there
There are many job seekers that may currently feel stigmatized with the Mick label and that is incorrect
Yes there may be some that are not looking for work. But at most UK Job centres the majority of claiments would like to work. The minimum wage is a lot less than their last job. Indeed, many apply for the Jobs that they can afford to live off...They wish they could land the job that they get the rejection letter off...
Many would love to have a Anne Widdecombe moment or regular encourgagment but thats not whats on offer. The training provided for future jobs doesn't meet the real business needs of tomorrow

I feel we should have a national tv programme for job seekers...A TV show that has A Fairy Job Mother or a Anne Widdecombe encouraging others.....funded by the Department of Enterprise

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Ian Duncan Smith challenge and the welfare comment

The Welfare reform and can Ian Duncan Smith live at the figures himself?
The timetable for change

The 4 churches challenge the reforms about the real truth about the sitution There are a lot of changes and the question is how effective the support mechanisms are. If people cannot downsize easily who are in areas where there is great need for accomodation and limited capacity there is an issue there. The additional factor is advice has to be clear to those needing the information. The Appeals process alone could prove to be interesting. Many of these changes occured on the 1st April. Do you know if the affect you???